Amanda Loy
One Month Weight Loss/Toning Training Plan
Indivualized program to burn fat and build muscle to tone the body!
Monthly training program with the goal of setting up proper foundation for transforming your body.
Nutritional guidelines, target and eliminate bad habits and learn healthy ones! Discover what your body reaps the most benefits from and how your metabolism effects you.
These are tools are ones you can use for a lifetime!
12 Week Training Program
12 week comprehensive individualized periodized training program for maximum results!
For weight loss and/or muscle gain depending on goals.
Macrocycles set up to build a foundational strength, learn body awareness, and improve performance safely.
Nutrition guidance will also be provided throughout!
Support will always be a message away!
I will be starting a separate Instagram account for clientele so I can host live bootcamps a couple times a week, interact with clients, answer questions, show proper exercise form, talk about nutrition or lifestyle habits! Basically a private account specifically geared towards client support!